The Greater Wellington Long Term Plan is the council's work plan for the next ten years. The consultation process allows the public to write submissions and have their say on how they want the Greater Wellington Regional Council to prioritise their funding and projects over the next ten years. Unfortunately, public awareness of the consultation and the document in general is quite low.
With this in mind, we decided the core concept of the project should be "Help us write the Great Wellington Regional story". We wanted to create something unique and familliar, while also directly asking people to interact with the document.
We used a classic book style, harkening back to stories by Jules Verne and H.G Welles, and we had it printed as a hard cover book with textured pages and silver ink.
The consultation document was a huge success and one of the more unusual pieces Greater Wellington Regional Council have produced in a long time. We worked very closely with Excel Printers to achieve the look we were after, and they have since used it as an example of their skills.
The cover illustrations were done by Shanon Stevens, who deserves a lot of recognition for his fantastic work.