In 2020, Greater Wellington brought its two central city offices under the same roof for the first time since 2016 with the move to 100 Cuba Street. As part of the move, we wanted to create an exciting mural wall on the ground floor of the new office that
The birds eye view design was inspired by the flight of a Kaka across our region, looking down at the work that Greater Wellington Regional Council does every day.
We worked closely with DZine Signs, Athfields and Autex to create a multi layered laser cut topographical map featuring every part of the region. Locations of importance to Mana Whenua were highlighted with photography, and along the topographical lines are historical facts and legends pertaining to the region. In the middle of the map is a large abstract public transport map, representing Metlink public transport, who are a large part of the Greater Wellington Regional Council.
The wall stretches from the front of the office all the way down to the council chamber, and is affectionately referred to as "the longest thing the studio has ever made". Its a point of pride for us at 100 Cuba Street, and we often have members of the public coming into the office just to check it out.